

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Zeke loves small group too!

Generally during small group discussion time, all the kids go upstairs with 2 of our members. The adults rotate who watches kids so that everyone has a turn. This week because it was just my kids and because we were hanging out, we let the boys stay with us. But Ben couldn't hang once it got too close to bedtime, so I put him down. Zeke on the other hand thrived on being the only kid around. While we were taking prayer requests and praying, Zeke was sitting with me. I told him what we were doing in hopes that he would sit quietly. Instead, he jumped up and pointed to the people on the couch yelling "Let's pray guys! It's good for you!" in almost thug-like way. The following video is what Zeke made everyone do after we had our snowball fight. As you can see, he L.O.V.E.S being the center of attention!

1 comment:

Cyndi - YaYa said...

Don't you just love that kid??

All I can say about the "center of attention" is.. HE GET'S IT HONEST...
I'm just sayin'...

MWAH! Loveyou, meanit!