

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


After going to the orthopedic surgeon today, we have an official diagnosis. Benjamin has congenital scoliosis. This means that he has a curve in his spine and vertabrae that are a little messed up. It also means he was born this way. The doctor said it was very minor. There is a 50/50 chance it will stay the same forever. He has to go back in 6 months to have the curve measured for changes.
We are currently praying about whether we need to move forward with the MRI or not. With it being scheduled for a week away, we have to make the decision quickly. Please pray for God to give us wisdom and discernment in this. We really don't want to put Ben through any unnecessary testing, but we also don't want to skip something and miss something that could be potentially harmful for our sweet boy.
Oh and something that's just cute. He stood from the middle of the room for the first time while waiting for the doctor. Way to go little man!

And just in case you are wondering, he has continued to be his wild self:

Climbing into the window seal/back of boys chairs

WOW, look what I can do!

This is FUN!


Chris and Melody Harrell said...

thank you for the update. You guys have been heavy on my heart. Praying for wisdom and unity in thought during this time. love you!

Debbie1055 said...

Hey Baby, I am glad he is doing soo well, you know Abigail has rods in her back. She had a 45 degree turn when she had her surgery. I will pray God guides you and helps you have discernment when it comes to the tests. I love you very much!!!