

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Matching Shiners

It's not been my day. We haven't had any fevers or anything like that. We have just had an "I only have boys in my house" kind of day. First, Zeke decided today wasn't a napping day, but a cry instead day. Then he decided to kick up his throwing-of-all-things habit. It was really my own fault, I took my eyes off of him for a second while we were playing with a puzzle. And no, it wasn't just your typical wooden puzzle. It was one of those chunky, heavy, 500 lbs a piece puzzle. Anyway, while I am looking away, Zeke practiced his screwball right into my eye. It sliced my contact (one part may still be floating in my eye, I haven't located it yet), popped some vessels inside my eye and bruised under it. No, I do not have any pictures of the loveliness.

THEN after that fun, Spence got home. He went upstairs to get Ben and Zeke followed. Spence came back down with out Zeke. I was feeding Ben and Spence was cleaning up. Zeke was upstairs... and then he wasn't. He tumbled right down our first flight of stairs. It is about 7 stairs and there was a pause in the middle where I believe he tried to catch himself. Spence was worried about his leg, but it was clearly obvious he hit his face. Here he is M.U.C.H. later after the crying and drama had ended.

Swelling and bruising


All smiles now

1 comment:

Tori said...

That picture of Ben is SO PITIFUL! Oh my gosh. Zeke has got to stop being injured/injuring peope. :)