

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We interrupt this program...

About once a year I find a way to hack into this site and say a few words. Then Courtney changes the password and I go back to the enjoyable role of reader here on the blog. But wanted to let you know how much Courtney appreciates the way you respond and encourage her on a regular basis.

The update
yes, this week is really shaping up to be one of the most physically exhausting weeks we've ever had as a family. Zeke threw up this morning and again tonight, Courtney actually took Ben to the doctor today because he cried for over an hour straight today and continues to be sick with the runs. And prego is ...well...pregnant! The stress from the boys I think is wearing on her body like it is on my brain. All that to say, your prayers and encouragement are coveted and received with more appreciation than we can communicate in writing.

Hopefully we will be on the mend by the end of the week. Thanks for checking in! talk to you again in 2012.

Monday, February 21, 2011

This is what our house looks like right now:

Zeke is entering his third week of hives. We have been to the doctor's office twice and they say this is just a virus and how it is showing itself.
Ben has had some stomach issues since Thursday. He hasn't eaten even half as much at any meal as he typically does. He has just been puny, whiny, and miserable. I took him to the doctor today and they said he has a stomach bug. This afternoon, he busted out in hives.
I am still battling constant nausea, and the whole first trimester exaustion. Spence has been a superstar taking care of the three of us, but I'm sure he can only handle so much more.
This post isn't to make ya'll feel bad for us or anything like that. It is purely to say that I will return once we are feeling a little better and I am not wanting to be asleep by 9.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can you curl yout tongue?

At dinner the other night, the boys were being silly and sticking out their tongues. I curled my tongue for the boys and this is what resulted:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love this!

I adore when kids squat while they are doing other things. I tried to get a cute pic from behind but he kept standing up and turning around to see what I was doing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Treats

Being a "Slacker Mom" (shout out to Lara and Michal, thanks for letting me steal this), I headed out this morning to get Valentine's treats for my sweets. I wanted to get just a little something. I thought I would get those cute mailboxes that all my friends seem to have from Target's dollar spot. Well, when I arrived at Target on Valentine's they were all gone. So, I went to another Target, and they were out as well. I decided to get creative, and this is what I came up with for my boys.

Zeke gets candy and a car

Ben gets candy and car, as well

Spence is getting candy and a Starbucks card

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One Last Christmas Present

Spencer and I found out we are expecting Shelton baby #3 in January. We are very excited to grow our family to 5 this year!
Here are the facts:
  • Due September 17, but doubt that we will make it that far. With Ben's early arrival/crazy delivery, Dr. Brannon said that he will induce me IF I make it to 38 weeks.
  • Yes, we do know what causes this, please stop asking us that
  • I told Spencer by giving him a present with lots of 3 things- a 3 ring binder, a pack of 3 pencils, a book about 3 frogs, 3 Musketeers bar
  • Zeke prayed tonight for the baby and then asked me what kind of baby I am holding
  • I am feeling pretty much like trash all the time
  • I have already gained weight, my belly is poking out, and the jeans that were falling off of me two months ago are being held together with a hairband
  • I am not really liking food at all. When I do want food, Doritos and hot dogs are DELISH

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Zeke at 2 and a half

I haven't updated about Zeke since his two year update. He is definitely due for one, so much has changed since August.
He weighs 32 lbs. I'm not sure of his height, but he had grown for sure. He mostly wears 2T clothing, but can wear some 3T shirts.
  • Enjoys: books, Little Einsteins, Cars characters, playing fumble-roo-ski with Dada and Ben, praying and singing songs
  • Turn-Offs: being told "no", putting on shoes and coat (likes going places, but hates the getting ready process), the end of a movie
  • Strengths: great memory, heart for praying, thoughtful brother, pretty athletic
  • Vices: throwing tantrums, choosing to play instead of nap, extremely picky eater

Favorites of Zeke currently:

  • Foods: chicken nuggets, french fries, peanut butter on ANYTHING, candy, fruit
  • Songs: Fruit of the Spirit, My God is So Big
  • Shows: Little Einsteins
  • Books: a Lightning McQueen book, a truck/car book that makes sounds, any library book
  • Toys: Lightning McQueen, Doc, Mater, Harold the helicopter (from Thomas), balls
  • Activities: riding his bike around the house, going to Marbles or Museum of Life and Science, playing at Chick-fil-A, playdates

Things I don't want to forget:

  • very structured in routines
  • likes to pray
  • pretend play is emerging ("I'm like a kangaroo" and then bounces around the kitchen)
  • sleeps really well at night
  • still loves his cup of milk and Sports Center in the morning
  • tries not to hit Ben, but instead will block Benjamin out of the play area that he is trying to play in
  • could read for hours
  • loves his big boy bed and enjoys showing it off
  • very much a big boy instead of a baby

he stacked his pillows up and fell asleep behind them one day

Silly cheese face that he makes

Monday, February 7, 2011

Life with Ben at 16 months

So I am stealing the new way I will be doing my monthly updates from Rachael. I read this a month ago and loved the idea of organizing my thoughts a little better. So onto Benjamin at 16 months!
I don't actually know his height right now, but we did go in for a weight check today and he had gained a pound in a month!!! He is now at 21.6 lbs! HURRAY!

Enjoys: anything Zeke is doing, eating "nack", tackling dada, snuggling with mama, balls, cars, books, and pacis

Turn Offs: laying down for diaper changes, when mama leaves the room, being told "no", having his paci taken away, being dropped off at church

Strengths: LOVES Zeke, enjoys throwing things away, great climber, outgoing/engaging with others

Vices: throwing food, hitting his brother, waking up at an ungodly hour

Foods: french fries, anything that could be a snack, any fruit
Songs: Happy and You Know It
Books: Any that his brother likes
Toys: Cars and balls

New Words: Ben has really taken off this month and is putting words together. He is saying big kick, books, bus, Zeke, milk, and others that I can't think of right now

Other things to remember:
* the first thing he asks about when waking up from nap or night is "Zeke"
* he still doesn't really care for tv, but will watch about 10-15 minutes of a Baby Einstein
* he adores being outside, and cries when we come in
* he is such a lover and gives hugs and kisses freely, but in the next moment will throw a punch or head butt
*the mullet is gone
*he is finally cutting the missing 4 teeth and will have a total of 12 once these all come through

I can sneak in sometimes and catch him asleep with out waking him up

If he loves what he is eating he wears it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

They like each other

The boys are getting to the age where they don't just tolerate each other. They actually like being with one another. It is such a joy to watch them seek each other out for play. Ben gets so excited when Zeke gets up in the morning or from nap. And Zeke has started giving Ben toys to play with, yes this is typically a ploy to keep him from playing with Zeke's special chosen toys, but hey it's a start right?
I caught them together the other morning. Both had climbed into Spencer's chair and Zeke was reading to Benjamin. TOO.SWEET!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thanks, Amber!

My bff, Amber, got married on New Years Day. I was heartbroken to not be there, but with everything going on with Ben I definitely think we had made the right decision to stay home. That doesn't make me any less wishful when I look at the pictures from her day. Anyway, Amber you know we love you and can't wait to meet Trent.

Amber sent some goodies home with her mom (seriously she got married and my kids and I get stuff, who is this girl?!). She sent some wallpaper stickers (that will not be going on any walls) for the boys, a streamer that was hanging at her wedding for people to take to remember to pray for her and Trent, and then a little carved figurine that we have yet to find out what the deal with him is (skype soon, yes?).

This is the boys reaction to the wallpaper stickers thing: