

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bunnies, Eggs, and Chocolate

These are the things that Easter is not about for the Shelton household. Yes, we do celebrate Easter with some of those things, but that is not what makes or breaks the holiday for us. I know that you (if you are like me) visit this blog to see what cute pictures are up. And I really won't get too wordy on you, but I do feel that I would make a serious mistake if I don't share with you the real reason for today. Today, Easter Sunday, we celebrate our risen Savior. We believe that God sent His Son to us to live a perfect, sinless life. He faced temptation the same way we do, but because He is God (and we are not) he withstood that temptation. We believe that He was crucified for us because of our sin. He took our sin on Himself in order for us to be able to spend eternity with God. BUT this is where it gets good... He did not stay dead and in a tomb. No, Jesus rose and that is why we celebrate. We serve a living God and for that we praise Him!
Does this mean that we didn't hunt some Easter eggs? Absolutely not, we hunted with the best of them. (well, I would use the term hunt loosely, Zeke found 4 eggs in 2 different hunts) Does this mean that we are not living it up with an overdose of chocolate? Absolutely not, it is practically running through our veins. Does it mean that an overstuffed rabbit rolled into our house with goodies? Well, that's where we gotta stop. A bunny didn't bring fun stuff, but Mama and Dada did give some fun stuff to our boys.
Here are some pictures of our fun festivities:

Zeke hunting eggs at the neighbor's house

"I got it!" (his new favorite phrase)

Happy Easter, buddy!

Ben hunting eggs

Zeke's basket and goodies (with a few things from Nana and Bampa)

Ben's basket and goodies (with a few things from Nana and Bampa)

1 comment:

Bobby and Brooke said...

HAPPY EASTER! So glad we got to see you today!!