

Monday, November 9, 2009

15 months

This isn't going to be his full update because we aren't going to the doctor until the end of the month. I'm just gonna tell some fun stuff that he's doing now.
*he LOVES Ben- he says his name, waving has become the sign language for Ben, doesn't like when Ben cries, holds his hands out to hold him, gives him kisses (sometimes is a little rough and hits him)
*talks all the time
*sleeps about 12 hours a night and still takes 2 naps most days
*blows kisses and waves at people in the store, or walking by the house or even driving by
*lots of imitating (we swear the other night he repeated "go to bed ben" after Spence)
*lots of animal sounds
*points to different things in books- lion, ball, moon, balloon, monkey, pumpkin, and tons more
*loves to look at pictures, especially of himself or his daddy
*wants to be outside ALL day
*loves music and dancing
*can use a spoon or fork, but prefers to use his hands or have us feed him because it is faster
*is already a chocoholic and a Southern boy who loves sweet tea (we limit both)
*climbs on and off furniture
*stacks blocks
*likes to hide behind furniture, his hands, or a blanket
*offers us what he is eating or drinking (sometimes he feeds us, and sometimes he yanks it back)
*has started throwing tantrums
*ALL boy- he gets a new bruise everyday
*very perceptive- hands us shoes when we are getting dressed or goes to the door when we are packing the diaper bag
*knows how to manipulate us- signs help just to get us to get stuff for him
*has started getting a little cuddly (generally after naps and when he wakes up in the morning)
*has 11 teeth (bottom molars currently being cut, UGH)

He takes his chocolate seriously

LOVES sweet tea and trying to drink from a straw

Happiest when he's about to throw a ball

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