

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Olympic Games- Shelton Style

Obstacle Course: Step One- Tunnel

10 Jumps 

Maybe 10 more...

Jump through the hoops
(Max spent the remainder of the party on the trampoline, it took some serious convincing to jump through these hoops, and complete the course)

shoot a basketball then, run to the finish line

Javelin throws

Noodle and hoola hoop javelin

A little brotherly competition 

We had a race to the front of the hosue and back.  What you don't get to see is my neice Sophie (first on the left) made a break for it and headed down the street and around the corner.  Not sure where she was headed, but I guess she wasn't liking how the games were going

One of the hardest games was lifting this chunky baby girl! ;)
Shelly met her for the first time and pretty much didn't let go

Marble race 

Brayden on the move

Our medal ceremony

Zeke was up and down super quick and wouldn't really pose for a picture :(

But Ben could win a gold for being a ham at all times

1 comment:

Cyndi - YaYa said...

So... MUCH... FUN!

Somehow I'm not surprised by the competition between the boys.. or Sophia making a break for it..

My gold medal was having all of my grandkids in one spot... it happens so rarely!!

Love you!