

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shave and a haircut...

While hanging with the Fletcherville fam, we got Ben's hair cut. Since, April used to cut hair, while cooking dinner and watching her two kids plus a few others from the neighborhood all in her townhouse kitchen I figured it would be a breeze to do in all the chaos. These were literally as April was walking out the door to go to her boys' ball games. Yes, she cut my boy's hair in the front yard with him stripped down. Don't judge me

First cut!

He wasn't so sure about what was going on

A lil mean to our photographer (Jaime)

Back home, I got the results (Jaime's camera died)

Sweet boy's big boy haircut!

1 comment:

Cyndi - YaYa said...

hahah... L.O.V.E. this... but most of all.. I'm LOVIN' those dirty looks that Benjamin has gotten so good at!!