

Friday, July 9, 2010

6 and 6

Spencer and I dated for six years before we got married. As of today, we have been married for six years. I want to tell you my top 6 reasons for why Spencer is the best husband and then share some pictures from each year of our relationship.
1. He is a man of God. This man strives to be like Jesus each day. He is truly the feet to the Lord each day with his job. He desires for people to grow closer in their knowledge of God and to do that through the community of their local body of believers. Those of you at the Summit know that his greatest joy is plugging people in and getting them connected into a great small group.
2. He is a servant for me and our family. He puts me before himself constantly. This wonderful man gets up every single morning with our boys and lets me sleep generally another hour and a half.
3. He works extremely hard outside the home as well. He loves the Lord and desires for others to know Him intimately as well.
4. He is a fabulous father. He adores our boys. They are truly his best friends and he loves hanging out with them. Some dads are just in the same room with their kids, not Spence. He is down on the floor with both of them crawling all over them. He teaches them about sports, gardening, God, and so much more. He walks through the door after work, ready to take over and jumps right in to my aid most days.
5. He is a lifelong learner. This is huge for me. He is constantly reading something and talking about it with me. I love that even after all this time we still have so much to talk about.
6. He forgives me easily. He never holds a grudge and quickly offers forgiveness to me. Trust me that in the past two years this has been especially wonderful.
7. He is my very best friend. There is absolutely no one else I would rather hang out with. I look forward to when he gets home just because I miss him during the day. There is no one else in the world that I would want to be walking through life with than him. I am beyond honored to be called Spence's wife and to share the title of Ben and Zeke's parents with him.
NOW to the pictures:

June 18, 2003- the night we got engaged!
July 9, 2004








Bobby and Brooke said...

Congrats and Happy Anniversary!!!

I love the story that you 2 have to share with those around you and I have enjoyed watching you both grow over the years!

I think we first met when ya'll were engaged so it's been a fun journey to watch!

The pictures are GREAT!!!

Rachael Davis said...

Oh, I love this blog! How fun!!
You dated 6 years?! That is incredible...Dan & I dated 6 weeks!

Ashley M said...

love all the pictures of you guys, what great history and memories. Happy Anniversary!

Windot said...

Happy Anniversary! I loved the pictures and all that mushy stuff ;)
You keep looking better and better each year, girl!