

Monday, March 30, 2009

Future Stars

We had small group at the Dunn's the other week. We laughed about the difference between the adults who have kids and those that do not. The ones who are not parents yet thought the kids banging on the piano was cute. The parents were cringing and hoping they didn't break anything.

In action

Pausing for a smile

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Spence can make Zeke crack up with the simplest things! I love his laugh. It totally makes me smile.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baby Dos

We went to the dr today. We got to see baby dos again and see it's little heart beating. It is so cool! It has little arm buds now. The pictures aren't so great because I took pictures of the pictures. The first is the picture from our first visit and the second is today's. It's pretty cool to see the difference 3 weeks makes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eggs and Yogurt

Zeke had a big week for trying some new textures. He didn't really love the texture of the eggs. I think I am going to let him pick them up and feed himself next time though. I am pretty sure that will change how much he likes them. He also got to try yogurt. And he loves it! I started him slowly with it, just letting him have a little at a time for three days. Then Sunday he had an entire container. He is so talkative when he eats and he likes it. He was going "mmmm" and leaning forward with his mouth wide open. So cute!
Oh and the picture of Z with the yogurt cup was after he had eaten some and I was just letting him play. I did not let him go at the full cup of yogurt.


I should send this in, what a great advertisement!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Zeke had a great sleep night last night. This may not sound like a good night for some of you that have kiddos that sleep through the night, but for us this was a GREAT night. He went down at 7:30. We didn't hear a peep until 12:15. That's almost 5 hours! Then we didn't hear from him again until 6:15. That 6 hours! You just can't understand what having 6 hours straight can do for a girl. I actually have not felt queasy or nauseous all day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stay Puff

Zeke has learned to feed himself the little gerber puff things. He hasn't really seemed to like them when I have given them to him. Each time I have put one in his mouth, he has made a face like "why are you doing this to me?" But we have been working on him picking them up and getting them to his mouth. He had finally gotten the picking up part, so I started working on putting it into his mouth. I held Zeke's hand in mine and then put it to his mouth. Then I pushed the puff in. It only took that one time and the kid knew exactly what to do after that. I even caught his first time doing it on his own on video. Look how he smiles when I praise him!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My small group is better than yours...

I don't know what your small group does when they get together, but this is what mine does. We are thinking about going on the road. Charlie Dunn did a great rendition of Red Hot Chili Peppers "Give it Away Now", but I was on guitar so I didn't get pics or video of that.

Callie rocked out "Eye of the Tiger"

J Ward was killer on "Living on a prayer"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

7 months, 7 weeks

I just realized that I have a 7 month old baby and I am 7 weeks pregnant. Kind of cool, huh?

Don't bite the hand that feeds you...

or anything else that feeds you for that matter. My son is a biter! He totally bit me a couple days ago. I mean bit me, too. He drew blood. There is still skin missing! Any suggestions on how to make sure this does not happen again? AHHH!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Zeke meets Paisley

Our friends April and Steven came up the other week with their three kids. We hadn't gotten to meet Paisley yet. She was born in November. Zeke had fun hanging out with her. We had fun hanging out with April, Steven, Avery, Addison, and Paisley. We didn't get any pictures of anyone else though. Next time...

Hanging out

Aren't those cute smiles!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Zeke has a serious case of dunlap... you know, where your belly has done lapped over the top of your pants... Brooke this one is just for you :-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Rik

WOW! Uncle Rik, you are 30! That is old.

Disclaimer: This post was totally Zeke's idea and his mommy had nothing to do with what he wanted to write...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

7 months

Zeke is 7 months today!! Since this isn't a month to go to the dr, I will just tell you some fun stuff about him. Zeke is such a happy baby, he loves to smile and laugh! His favorite game right now is peek-a-boo. And it tends to not be your typical peek-a-boo. He does enjoy pulling the blanket from his face, but Spence enjoys running around and hiding in different rooms and popping out. Zeke gets such a kick out of it! Zeke reserves his biggest smiles for when he hasn't seen us for a little while and then he sees us. Like when we go to work, take a nap, or even go to the bathroom. He loves sitting up and playing with his toys. He still loves to jump and tries to jump even when not in the jumper. He stills loves to eat and still is a fight to keep asleep. He is not sleeping through the night yet, but generally takes good naps during the day. Here are some fun pictures from this past week.

Wrestling wtih daddy

Sitting outside in the nice weather

What a cute hat!

With Meredith is his nursery buddy!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Zeke's Uncle Bubba came over and hung out with us. Zeke was a major show off with sitting up for him. Then things took a turn for the worse. Zeke couldn't sit up any longer and when he toppled over, he bumped Bubba's knee. You would have thought the knee was made of knives! The drama that this kid created afterwards was insane. He seriously cried more than when he has gotten shots. Bubba being the good uncle that he is, he took some pictures of the crybaby.

How distraught

Doesn't he look desperate?

Check out the drool

You can see his teeth in this one

The calm after the storm

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The story behind the picture

So, I know that the delay has probably killed some of you. I do apologize for that, but I have a little bit going on right now...
Yes, we are expecting again. We thought we were further along, but after the dr visit, we found out differently. We are 6 weeks today. Which puts us due October 29. We are beyond thrilled to being having our second child. How far apart will the two kiddos be? 14 months.
To answer the questions of was this planned/was this a surprise/was this an accident/etc. We were not planning either way, we were totally giving control of our family to God. And this is how He has seen to bless our family right now. It's pretty awesome, to be quite honest. Many of you don't know but it took a little while to have Zeke. So for us to be pregnant again is pretty crazy for us.
We are totally excited and absolutely covet your prayers over our family. Thanks for sharing our joy with us.

Happy Birthday Great Grandma!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009