

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eggs and Yogurt

Zeke had a big week for trying some new textures. He didn't really love the texture of the eggs. I think I am going to let him pick them up and feed himself next time though. I am pretty sure that will change how much he likes them. He also got to try yogurt. And he loves it! I started him slowly with it, just letting him have a little at a time for three days. Then Sunday he had an entire container. He is so talkative when he eats and he likes it. He was going "mmmm" and leaning forward with his mouth wide open. So cute!
Oh and the picture of Z with the yogurt cup was after he had eaten some and I was just letting him play. I did not let him go at the full cup of yogurt.


I should send this in, what a great advertisement!

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