

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hadassah Lucille is here!

Well, things don't go as planned is what we have learned after 5 pregnancies and 4 deliveries.  We *planned* for baby girl to be induced on the 10th.  I *planned* to not have an epidural.  I *planned* for it to be my best labor and delivery, after all it's the fourth time and my last.  But our girl had a different idea.
I went to the doctor September 30, for my regularly scheduled appointment.  I was 37 weeks and 4 days.  We had had a great relaxed weekend because our biggies had gone to spend the weekend with the grandparents (thanks ya'll).  I had a bit of a strange occurence on Saturday.  For about a 45 minute period, my hands and mouth went numb and I sort of forgot stuff.  I couldn't recall things like siblings, neices, or nephews names.  I was able to remember my kids and Spence, but just was struggling.  I assumed maybe baby girl was on a nerve weird or something and once it passed, thought little of it.  When my blood pressure was high at my check up the nurse told me I would be going to the hospital.  I still just thought it would probably be for monitoring and then sent home.  Then I told Dr. Brannon (best doctor ever, we love that man!!) and he was shocked at my pressure and at what had happened.  He was stunned that I hadn't called him over the weekend and I truly believe that if I had called we might have had a baby a few days earlier.  He told me to go straight to the hospital because we were having a baby.  If it were my first pregnancy, he would be doing a c-section, but because we know how quickly I labor he decided to induce.  I called Spence as I headed over and we tried to work out the logistics of getting the boys home from school.  Thankfully my mom was already at my house to watch Ellie while I went to the doctor.  (Dr. B also called Spence and explained how serious things were, but I wasn't told this until later)
Once I got to the hospital, I changed and was immediately hooked to magnesium.  That is the worst stuff ever, I felt like I had the flu, and was weak, but also burning up.  We had a throw up tub with ice water that we dipped a washcloth in so I could cool myself down.  Spence got there, the the doctor broke my water and they turned on the pitocin (this was probably about 12:30).  We quickly moved to needing an epidural and turning the pitocin down.  I was in the most pain I had ever experienced because my epidural only took down one leg (awesome right?) and the babe decided to park herself in my right hip and lower back.  Finally, I felt the urge and crawled out from hiding behind my hands to peer out at my poor hubby and yell that "this baby is coming out!" He yelled out because my nurse had left my side for a potty break.  Three nurses came rushing in and refused to let me off my side until Dr. Brannon could get there.  (he may or may not have ran lights and driven on a sidewalk to get there) 2 pushes and our biggest baby had arrived.  Haddie was born at 4:58, weighing 7 pounds and 3 ounces and 19 inches long.  She is our only baby that did not have to be vacuumed, which is nuts because she was almost a pound bigger than Ellie!
My blood pressure continued to be a bit crazy the whole time I was in the hospital, so the kids only visited the night Haddie was born.  (For those that are wondering, I did have preeclampsia.  Thank goodness I went to the doctor on Monday.  My placenta had stopped nourishing our girl, and things could have gotten really scary really quickly).  Spence came and hung out some each day.  Our parents came for short visits as well.  One friend that came, captured these pictures for me.  I will be forever grateful to have these sweet pictures of our girl.


Cyndi - YaYa said...

I love you.. and all of the babies you've been blessed with.. you make me so proud.. Welcome to the family Miss Haddie Lu.. hold on tight.. it's going to be a crazy ride!

Jen T. said...

She's precious and beautiful. Even if she and Ellie sychronize their cries, they are still adorable, right?