
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Zeke draws
Monday, August 29, 2011
What will you be?
We were given a bag of dress up clothes this week. The boys were so excited to find pirate, construction, baker, and fireman outfits and hats. I am going to put up over-the-door hooks on the end of Zeke's bed to hang the clothes on. Here is Ben trying out the fireman helmet a couple days ago.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Happy Birthday to my Favorite Guy!
And because I can't do a post with out pictures, here are some fun recent ones of you and the boys.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
My new love
Perks to having a van:
- buttons that open and close both doors and the back hatch
- both boys can climb in and out of the van with out assistance (this is gonna be so great once I have a big belly in the way)
- rear ac, poor Ben gets so hot sitting backwards and was always sweaty in the Escape. This hasn't been a problem at all
- There are so many cupholders! Just in the front there are 6! I'm not sure why this is so exciting, but it is
- it drives so smoothly
- The inside is so roomy, I can walk between the seats and get in to buckle the kids if it were raining
- the back has so much room to store stuff. My weekly grocery run didn't even fill it all the way across
So, if you don't have one, run start test driving rightnow
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Trip to Nana & Bampa's (way overdue post)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Ben's stages his version of a sit-in
Ben L.O.V.E.S. his daddy. He has taken this love to a new level. We went through this stage a bit with Zeke, but never to this extent. Here is part of our new morning routine:
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Big Happenings
You can pray for continued health of this baby, for peace for Spence and I through out this pregnancy, for Zeke and Ben's transition to both being big brothers (yes please be praying already especially for Benjamin).
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
How boys play
Friday, August 12, 2011
The neverending bday posts
This is everyone singing to Zeke. We definitely need to do some work on his candle blowing out skills...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Zeke's Book Party
Monday, August 8, 2011
Three Year Old Zeke
Ezekiel, I can not believe that you are three years old. We have been talking about you turning 3 for a few weeks. Today you announced that you are a big boy. There were a few things you told us you couldn't do because you were too big. We celebrated with a party Saturday (more pictures to come) and then we have celebrated all.day.long today.
Here are some fun things about your right now;
- You are growing like crazy. You mostly wear 3T clothes.
- You aren't napping so much anymore, probably 3 days a week. I am very sad about this
- You say the funniest things. Your 3 year old logic is hilarious.
- You can be so sweet to Ben, but at times you just pin him down and make him scream. I guess this is just part of being a big brother.
- You engage in conversations with us now. You rationalize and really try to process what we are talking about.
- You try to teach Ben everything you know. You are constantly asking him if he can say something or knows something.
- You love learning about the Bible.
- You still love books and read all day long. I love how you have started to "read" to me
- Anything Cars is a fave. Your presents were almost all in that theme.
- You have become pretty defiant recently, which has not been so fun for mom and dad. We know it is just a part of you figuring things out, but we also know we can't let that sin stay rooted in your heart
- You aren't quite as self-centered. You seem to be more aware of people you interact with. This isn't to say that you are 100%, but you are definitely getting there.
And just for some laughs:
Sunday, August 7, 2011
What Ben has in common with 22's
- Ben has become so inquisitive. He constantly asks questions and wants to know what's going on. He asks me what song is on, the color of things, what Zeke is doing, etc. All day.
- He is also hilarious! His laugh is infectious. He is a wild man and so much fun everyday.
- Benjamin is adventurous. He definitely comes up with the ideas for all the trouble he and Zeke get into. He was the one who first jumped off the otoman, he asks to run outside and play in the rain, he climbs up onto the counters.
- He loves being outside. This has been so tough with the heat. We have been outside at 7:30 to try to get in our fresh air and vitamin D.
- He is a rascal! He is so michevious. He gets the cutest little look on his face when he is doing something.
- On the flip side of this, he is so defiant sometimes! He can throw a tantrum like I have never seen and boy have I seen some.
- He is such a deep feeler and expresser of his emotions. When he is mad it is tantrum city, but when he is happy he is so pleasant and cheerful. He has definite highs and lows and lets it be known what is going on.
- Ben is way independent. He says everything "I do it myself" He now climbs up into our big chairs with out assistance. He tries to climb into the car and up into his carseat. It is so great in some ways, but in others he drives me NUTS!
- He loves going potty. We sit at least once a day. He hasn't had any success yet, but I am just happy that he is interested at all.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Recently we recorded Muppets Take Manhattan. This is the boys reactions: