Here is our beach trip alphabet style:
A is for annual family beach photo
B is for Benjamin, our crazy wild man who L.O.V.E.D. all things water. We had high hopes that the beach would wear him out so he would sleep really well... instead he was our early morning riser (5:15! most mornings). Ben enjoyed all the extra attention from family members and soaked up time with everyone.
C is for cornhole, our choice beach game this year. Ben and Zeke are already pros from all the time they play up at daddy's office.

D is for ducks, Ben's favorite part of the putt putt course (when asked about putt putt later that day, all he talked about were the ducks he had seen)
E is for expert golfers. The boys loved playing golf and Z actually got pretty good at putting.
F is for fishy. Zeke and Ben greeted and wanted to pet each fish or shark that Uncle Matt caught
F is also for FORT. We had one bedroom we didn't have to use in the house, so this became the perfect room to make a fort for the boys. We stretched a blanket across the twin beds and the boys made EVERYONE hang out with them and their cars of course.
G is for guarding in reverse. Bampa had to scoot around the edge to be sure that Ben didn't take a dive into the pool.
H is for holes in the sand.
I is also for I-DO-IT! Ben's proclaim allweeklong
L is for LET-ME-IN!!
M is for my firstborns love/hate relationship with the water. At the start of the week Zeke did not care for the ocean...
...but we had a HUGE turn around on the last day. He began running, jumping, and playing in the waves like he was born a fish!
N is for NANA-TIME!!! Thank you Nana for a great week of helping with the kiddos. We really appreciate you taking those early mornings

N was also for Nap where ya can. Zeke fell out while watching a movie one afternoon in the entertainment room. This could have also been titled "why we should take naps when mommy suggests it instead of playing with cars in my bed for 2 hours"
O is for Obstacles on the golf course
R is for Runaway Zeke! He seriously would have just ran forever if we (ahem, Spence) hadn't chased him down and brought him back.
U is for Uncles and Aunt
V is for Very sweet snuggles with Bampa
W is for "WATER". Ben's battle cry of the week. He yelled this at anyone and everyone and then charged the ocean. It was a bit like that scene from the end of Braveheart where Mel Gibson is on the horse and yells the charge.
X is for eXtremely shocked to see Ben and Scott hanging out. Ben practically chased "Scottie" around all week and was so pleased with himself when Scott held him
Y is for You are supposed to hold me AT-ALL-TIMES!! Mommy. The week before we went to the beach, Spence and I had been to California with out our boys (thanks to YaYa and PawPaw for keeping them), we think that because of that, Ben wanted to be held by me anytime he could see me. Yes, it was sweet, yes it drove me crazy!
Z is for Zeke! Our sweet boy had such a great week. He loved rolling cars with everyone, throwing his torpedo in the pool, playing in the ocean (the last day), playing golf, reading books, and building forts. He did a great job sleeping and also did a great job with only 2 accidents the whole week (still sometimes an issue when in a new place, but they were both my fault, oops)